"Blessing the Rest"
Gathering Together
Music for Gathering
Sounding the Bel
We ring the bell 3 times. Once for those who have gone before, once for those here today, and once for those who will carry on our living tradition.
Welcome Seamus O'Connor
Opening Hymn Reach Out In Love (hymn written my Director of Music Ministries Caroline Celia)
Call to Worship Rev. Beth Johnson
Words by Carter Heyward
“Let us celebrate the possibilities of life!
We come alive and prosper spiritually only in shared resistance to all that thwarts life’s promise.
Sisters and brothers, we are here to remember the root of our resistance and the source of our celebration.
We remember that in the beginning is the relation
A relation so sturdy
A relation so certain
A relation so deep and so wide
It will never be entirely broken.
We remember the relation.
From it, we draw a story of community and suffering
Faithfulness and betrayal
A story of Life generating life,
Of creation and destruction
Birth and death
Yearning and struggling for bread and justice.”
Let us worship together
and together let us celebrate the possibilities of love and of blessing all….
Chalice Lighting Michael Mufson
For the Beauty of the Earth arranged by John Rutter
Palomar Fellowship Choir and Orchestra
Ceremony of Dedication for Cayden Isaiah Wise *(see dedication ceremony here)
Children’s Recessional We Sing to You
Affirming Our Community
Congregational Covenant
Together we are more than we would ever be alone. Therefore we promise:
To Practice Radical Hospitality, Mindful Communication, and Active Stewardship.
Thus do we covenant with each
Offertory Caroline Celia
Gifts for Beloved Community
Joys and Sorrows
Spirit of Life #123
Choose to Bless the World By Rebecca Parker
Proclaiming Our Message
Blessing the Rest Rev. Beth Johnson (See sermon here)
Going Forth in Service
Extinguishing the Chalice
Although we extinguish this flame
we carry in our hearts the light of truth,
the warmth of community
and the fire of commitment
until we are together again.
Closing Hymn Siyahamba
In Zulu, English, Spanish, and the lyrics “We are standing on the side of love…”
Benediction Rev. Beth Johnson
Postlude Caroline Celia
Music for Gathering
Sounding the Bel
We ring the bell 3 times. Once for those who have gone before, once for those here today, and once for those who will carry on our living tradition.
Welcome Seamus O'Connor
Opening Hymn Reach Out In Love (hymn written my Director of Music Ministries Caroline Celia)
Call to Worship Rev. Beth Johnson
Words by Carter Heyward
“Let us celebrate the possibilities of life!
We come alive and prosper spiritually only in shared resistance to all that thwarts life’s promise.
Sisters and brothers, we are here to remember the root of our resistance and the source of our celebration.
We remember that in the beginning is the relation
A relation so sturdy
A relation so certain
A relation so deep and so wide
It will never be entirely broken.
We remember the relation.
From it, we draw a story of community and suffering
Faithfulness and betrayal
A story of Life generating life,
Of creation and destruction
Birth and death
Yearning and struggling for bread and justice.”
Let us worship together
and together let us celebrate the possibilities of love and of blessing all….
Chalice Lighting Michael Mufson
For the Beauty of the Earth arranged by John Rutter
Palomar Fellowship Choir and Orchestra
Ceremony of Dedication for Cayden Isaiah Wise *(see dedication ceremony here)
Children’s Recessional We Sing to You
Affirming Our Community
Congregational Covenant
Together we are more than we would ever be alone. Therefore we promise:
To Practice Radical Hospitality, Mindful Communication, and Active Stewardship.
Thus do we covenant with each
Offertory Caroline Celia
Gifts for Beloved Community
Joys and Sorrows
Spirit of Life #123
Choose to Bless the World By Rebecca Parker
Proclaiming Our Message
Blessing the Rest Rev. Beth Johnson (See sermon here)
Going Forth in Service
Extinguishing the Chalice
Although we extinguish this flame
we carry in our hearts the light of truth,
the warmth of community
and the fire of commitment
until we are together again.
Closing Hymn Siyahamba
In Zulu, English, Spanish, and the lyrics “We are standing on the side of love…”
Benediction Rev. Beth Johnson
Postlude Caroline Celia